Authors |
Svechnikov Nikolay Ivanovich, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, head of the sub-department of law enforcement, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Sintsov Gleb Vladimirovich, Doctor of juridical sciences, professor, sub -department of private and public law, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. Combating corruption is one of the urgent tasks facing law enforcement agencies and bodies ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation. Regularly in mass media, there are messages on Commission of corruption crimes having, as a rule, resonant character – so-called high-profile crimes. The spread of corruption in state and local authorities, in health and education institutions, in law enforcement and other bodies has a similar nature and is caused by similar reasons. The leading role in the fight against corruption crimes in Russia has belonged to the Prosecutor's office. Therefore, the article attempts to analyze the historical stages of the formation of the Russian Prosecutor's office associated with the development of legislation regulating the activities of the Prosecutor's office in terms of expanding the powers to combat corruption. The essence of the Prosecutor's office as a subject of law enforcement activity, directly interested in the prevention and prosecution of crimes, including, and primarily, crimes of corruption.
Materials and methods. The implementation of the research objectives was achieved based on the study of archival materials, anti-corruption legislation, law enforcement practice and research materials of other scientists. The methodological basis of the work was made up of historical and statistical methods, comparative legal and logical, which allowed comparing the essence and meaning of certain provisions of legal acts and categories, to analyze the law enforcement practice of the Prosecutor's office in different periods of history.
Results. As a result of the research, draft proposals were developed to improve the anti-corruption legislation and the activities of anti-corruption bodies.
Conclusions. The study of the historical experience of the fight against corruption of the Russian Prosecutor's office and the analysis of the legislation regulating the activities of the Prosecutor's office, led to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the domestic anti-corruption legislation and methods of combating corruption.
References |
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